Unless clinically inappropriate, an outcome measurement tool should be utilized to evaluate symptoms during the assessment and review of the GP Mental Health Care Plan. This provides a structured way of measuring symptoms and monitoring progress. There is no requirement to use any specific outcome measurement tool.
While outcome measurement tools are not diagnostic tools, a patient’s responses will illuminate some of the problems they are experiencing. This may assist you in reaching a diagnosis. Like any clinical instrument, clinicians using outcome measurement tools should become familiar with their appropriate use and interpretation.
Two commonly used and easily administered outcome measurement tools are available to download below. These can be printed and given to patients to complete or read to them and their responses recorded. You can find a digital copy of both the K-10 and DASS-21 here.
The K10 consists of 10 items and measures non-specific psychological distress. It takes about 2 minutes for the patient to complete and about 1 minute to score. Basic scoring information is included in the download document. Higher scores indicate increased distress and greater likelihood that a person is experiencing a mental disorder. Further information relating to the K10 is available here.